Our membership fee is 50 MKD per month (600 MKD per year). Please transfer the fee to our bank account – if you would like to do a transfer in Macedonian Denars (MKD), please see the MKD bank details.
If you would like to pay the fee in Euros, please transfer roughly 1€ per month, 12€ per year, to our Euro bank account:
Банка: Komercijalna banka AD Skopje
Име на сметка: MZRD DOJKA Skopje, Miladin Popovik 12, 1000 Skopje
Број на сметка: 0270100334655
IBAN: mk 07300701003346564
Please fill in our membership form as well, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us.
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