Еducational meeting at the Acibaden Sistina Private Hospital, 30 March 2019

An educational meeting was held at the Acibaden Sistina Private Hospital on 30 March 2019 with the following lecturers and topics:

  • Svetlana Temelkovska, MD, Msci, spec. radiologist “BI-RADS classification”
  • Dr. med. sci. Maja Chapova, spec. radiologist “Indications for breast MRI”
  • Dr. med. sci. Jasminka Chabukovska-Radulovska, spec. radiologist “Calcifications in the breast”
  • Dr. med. sci Genghis Jashar, specialist. pathologist “Microscopic evaluation of histological types of breast cancer”
  • Mrs. Zaklina Chagoroska, Electronic Health Administration “News in MOJ TERMIN”